
Bay City Boys and Girls Club 1

Bay City Boys and Girls Club

Project Location: Bay City, TX

Owner/Client: Boys and Girls Club of America

Category: Non-Profit

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The Bay City Boys and Girls Club took on an extensive remodeling project when it purchased an old elementary school as its new headquarters. The existing HVAC system consisted of outdated chilled water unit ventilators. DXS was asked to renovate the system by providing a new, highly efficient replacement solution that included two high-efficiency Daikin VRV-III heat pump systems. 

The remodeling occurred in phases, so the construction team required a modular system. The owner also pressed for a system that was going to be aesthetically pleasing and energy-efficient. DXS met all the requirements and requests with the installation of the two systems. The fan coil units on the VRV/VRF system can be installed in stages, thus allowing the contractor to have flexibility where needed. The long piping lengths accommodated by the VRV/VRF met the aesthetic requirement, allowing the condensing units to be placed discreetly out of the way so they do not detract from the building’s landscape.

A single condensing unit was used for multiple rooms, leaving the owner with reduced electrical installation cost and a highly efficient system overall.


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