As circumstances surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, we want to keep you updated on what we are doing to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees.

We have been closely monitoring the global impact of this pandemic and have chosen to follow the precautionary measures set forth by the Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, the Federal government, and state and local governments.

The actions that we are taking include:

  • instating an enhanced hygiene program across all offices
  • setting clear guidelines for employees who may feel ill
  • limiting travel
  • encouraging a remote work environment
  • restricting access to our offices

We will be conducting business, as usual, to continue to support our great partners and projects, but with some adjustments. We wish to respect our clients’ preferred stance of communicating but will be using the CDC’s advised social distancing policies as much as possible. This includes meeting through phone, video conferencing, and email but are available to meet in person if a client wishes.

DXS wants to ensure the safety of our partners in all of our markets.  To support this, all visits to customer offices and job sites will be handled remotely through our teleconference and video conference capabilities. We also ask that any client visits to our offices are scheduled in advance as we will not be accepting walk-in guests. Please reach out to your DXS contact or call us at (832) 328-1010 to schedule.

DXS is committed to continuing our great partnership through this challenging time, and we appreciate your understanding. We plan on keeping these operational changes in place until March 30, 2020, at which time we will re-evaluate the situation to determine if we need to extend these policies.  We will continue to provide you with the service that you have come to expect, and we hope to resume our regular practices soon.