​​​​​​​Brian Keenan is a Principal of DXS New England. Brian joined the DXS team in 2016 after a tenure with DXS’s sister company, HTS. Prior to HTS, Brian amassed 6 years of experience working in various corporate marketing and sales roles in the electric utility industry.

A lifelong resident of New Hampshire, Brian is a graduate of Plymouth State University with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. At DXS, Brian is dedicated to advancing his expertise in VRV and ASHP technology to help his clients deliver successful projects. In his current role, Brian primarily works with consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, and building owners throughout New England to provide innovative energy-efficient HVAC solutions.

Get to Know Brian

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

I have been lucky enough to have a number of mentors throughout my career that has shaped me into who I am today. I would credit most of my core values and work ethic to my family, who have always supported me and instilled a “work hard and be a good person” mentality.

Where can we find you on the weekends?

Summertime: At the lake in the white mountains of NH.

Wintertime: Wherever the snow is deep!

If you had to name one, what is your favorite DXS project and why?

How do you pick just one! There are a handful of projects that hold a special place in my heart, most of which are retrofits of historic buildings in Boston and New Hampshire.

Where do you see the HVAC industry in 10 years?

The goals of decarbonizing our built environments are real…and they are here now. Energy-efficient technologies like VRV and ASHP will continue to grow and dominate. Ventilation and building automation will also play a large role in decarbonization.

What would your personal motto be?

One that has stuck by me since I was a kid: “Treat others how you would want to be treated”, and that’s how I approach almost every situation.  Thanks, Mom.

How do your colleagues describe you?

I believe they would describe me as approachable, positive, hard-working, and honest.

Why do you enjoy working at DXS?

Easy: the people and the culture. We have a young, talented, and dynamic team at DXS-NE, which makes going to work very enjoyably. Most of us prefer to be in the office instead of working remotely due to the great comradery. The culture at DXS is like no other place I have worked in my career. It is the embodiment of “work hard, play hard”.