Thomas McLaughlin is a founding partner of DXS & partner at HTS serving on their board of directors.
A graduate of Sam Houston State University with a degree in International Business. Thomas’ primary responsibility is to manage the DXS business across North America. As a partner in HTS, his secondary responsibility is contributing strategic direction & oversight to the greater organization.
The only things he might enjoy more than helping to grow the business are aviation and boating. On weekends, chances are you can find Thomas somewhere on Lake Travis – Austin’s playground – having fun with friends and family.
Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
On the path that is my career, I had the fortunate experience to walk behind a successive line of managers many became mentors somewhere along our way. From my first job at the roller rink through my time at Lennox and until finally arriving at DXS, I appreciate those key people who taught me about life and career during the time we traveled together. Conversely, the largest single influence on how to get through life is my father, which unfortunately for him is also why we keep declining his repeated requests to re-retire.
If you had to name one, what is your favorite DXS project and why?
Well as the saying goes, you never forget your first. That is certainly the case when I think of the Salt Grass Steakhouse on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Together with Daikin, plus Comfort Air (our first client) this restaurant is one of our first VRV jobs in Texas. Since 2007, DXS embarks on an annual pilgrimage to say thanks over one of their many bountiful lunches.
Where do you see the HVAC industry in 10 years?
I see an industry that will be making a huge transformation away from ever heating with combustion in favor of providing heat through electrification. There will be a great opportunity to apply new technology across the landscape of older gas-burning existing buildings.
Additionally, I believe we will be seeing greater coordination & cooperation amongst those things like HVAC that consume power, with those things that will generate & store power. The reality is, that if we are to effectively achieve net-zero it is going to take the consumption side working in concert with the production & storage side. I believe there is an interesting future being at the point where those three technical issues intersect.
What would your personal motto be?
I have two that are never far from mind. First, “we rise together, we fall together”. Second, “remember to treat others the way you wish to be treated.” These may not be the most creative of sayings, but they do resonate inside my head.
How do your colleagues describe you?
I hope they would say I have vision coupled with integrity. Yet, I suspect they would say I am at my best when buying everyone lunch.
Why do you enjoy working at DXS?
Tell you what…look me up or come by one of our offices and we will show you firsthand why working at DXS is more than a career.