
Austin Board of Realtors 1

Austin Board of Realtors

Project Location: Austin, TX

Owner/Client: Austin Board of Realtors

Category: Office

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The Austin Board of Realtors constructed a new 30,000 square foot building to accommodate their growing needs. Because the outside of the facility is primarily glass, a priority for ABOR was to maintain comfort within the building while still keeping it aesthetically pleasing. DXS was chosen as the basis of design based on their superior warranty, part availability, training, and local support staff.

DXS provided 50 tons of Daikin Heat Recovery, along with Daikin Inverter Rooftop Units for outside air. The system also included Daikin Packaged Rooftop Units for the auditorium areas, which were all connected to the Daikin centralized controller. The iTouch manager allowed the facility to have a fairly simplified control system that encompassed all HVAC needs and stayed within the desired budget. The system’s energy efficiency also allowed the facility to qualify for rebates from Austin Energy.


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