
Excel ER Heritage Trace 1

Excel ER Heritage Trace

Project Location: Fort Worth, TX

Owner/Client: Excel ER

Category: Healthcare

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Emergency healthcare provider Excel ER recently opened a new 24-hour facility in Fort Worth, TX. As a medical facility, this project had a high demand for outside air, and also required that the indoor units fit into the minimal space provided. DXS was chosen as the basis of design for the project and worked with mechanical engineer Bury to meet the building’s space constraints while providing temperature control in individual spaces throughout the facility.

DXS equipped the ER with 36 tons of Daikin VRV heat recovery and heat pump systems, a Danfoss Variable Frequency Drive, seven Dynamic V-8 filters, three Twin City Exhaust Fans, and 86 Krueger GRDs. A Neptronics duct heater and Neptronics humidifier finished out the system. By using Dynamic air filters in tandem with a VRV system, DXS was able to meet the demand for outside air in the building. A Daikin i-Touch manager central controller was also installed to allow web-enabled control access.

Initially, the project ran behind the set schedule due to setbacks with manufactured equipment meeting specifications. DXS was able to ensure those project deadlines were still met by utilizing expedited shipping options on all of the Airside Products from HTS.


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