
Ridgewood Park

Project Location: San Antonio, TX

Owner/Client: Worth and Associates

Category: Office

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A newly constructed building with four floors and 147,000 square feet was looking to acquire 10-year payback and achieve more efficiency than another one of their buildings. There were hiccups with the curb of the OA unit and difficulty leveling out a 15-foot curb when the unit wasn’t sloped but was ultimately achieved. 

Education Key Consideration

School district facilities planners and maintenance personnel plus the design team who support them are tasked with developing and maintaining usable, comfortable buildings that promote learning. They must do this across the country under the scrutiny of school districts determined to spend every bond and tax revenue dollar wisely.

The DXS team understands the pressures under which school district personnel operate and we’ve helped alleviate much of that pressure. From our work with facilities planners and architects, we know that energy is one of the largest line items in a school budget. That’s where we can help. We design low-maintenance VRF air conditioning systems that reduce HVAC energy costs 20 to 50 percent.

Key Considerations

  • Systems that reduce HVAC energy costs by 20 to 50 percent
  • Opportunity to reduce overall building construction cost
  • Straightforward maintenance facilities crews can easily manage
  • Reduced maintenance costs compared to split-system or chilled water systems
  • Reduced mechanical space
  • Designs that accommodate space restrictions of prior systems
  • Ability to handle temperature control for dozens of small spaces
  • Energy efficient
  • Y Robust training program for facilities maintenance personnel
  • DXxsS onsite at five key junctures: onsite training prior to installation, quality control checks during installation, during start-up, 30 days after commissioning for building owner verification, and ongoing training for staff
  • Fast, dependable service and maintenance support after installation
  • Complete inventory of parts and equipment


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