Our Team
Our Leadership Team
With more than 100 years of combined experience, we are your VRV/VRF experts.

JS Rancourt
Boston, MA
Jean-Samuel (JS) Rancourt is a Principal of DXS Ontario and DXS New England. Originally from Sherbrooke, Quebec, JS is a 2011 graduate of the Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Waterloo. He amassed a list of academic and athletic awards, including the Engineering Co-op Student of the Year award in 2010. While pursuing his degree, JS used the co-operative program to intern at the HTS-Ottawa office and the HTS-San Antonio, Texas office. After spending some time working with the largest contracting and project management team of HTS in Toronto, JS launched DXS Ontario in partnership with Kartik Singla in June of 2012. After amassing 5 years of experience in cold climate VRF, JS moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 2016 to establish DXS New England. JS’s role currently focuses on working with consulting engineers and building owners in New England, as well as industry advocacy and education on air source heat pumps, VRF, refrigerants, and low carbon HVAC solutions.
Get to Know JS
Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
My family in the early days. Always overachieving, thinking differently, and trying to perform at everything we do.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
Summer? At my Golf course (Turner Hill!), out on the boats at Cocktail Cove, or on a patio somewhere! Winter? Hopefully at a ski mountain or maybe golfing down South!
If you had to name one, what is your favorite DXS project and why?
Sheraton Center Toronto Hotel. This project is close to my heart. The owner did not know what VRF was when they started evaluating options in 2012, so we had to both educate them on VRF and then win the project over other VRF competitors. It is still, to this day, one of the largest VRF projects in North America, and I believe the largest in Canada. We’re still involved in servicing the building, and it has been smooth sailing for many years now. That part, I am very proud of.
Where do you see the HVAC industry in 10 years?
The trend towards decarbonization will continue to dominate. VRF and ASHP will continue to gain traction. There will be a big shift towards focusing on refrigerants, and we will most likely have VRF systems on different refrigerant platforms. I really hope to see the growth of building automation and intelligence, especially integrated with ASHP and VRF, but also integrated and influencing our behavior as building occupants.
What would your personal motto be?
100. It comes from my Burning Man nickname. It refers to always wanting 100%, from myself and from others. A little excessive, usually high energy, and when I go in, I like to go 100% in.
How do your colleagues describe you?
Well, usually it’s “Coach”. I think it defines my role, whether I’m training my own team, or educating a customer or a room full of people on a topic. If we were a professional hockey team, I would sometimes be a player, often a coach, and often a team manager. I enjoy all 3, but my team most often sees my action as a coach!
Why do you enjoy working at DXS?
t’s the combination of all of the things I care about. The team is young, energetic, and dynamic, and I could not go without them. Then, what we do has meaning and is part of what I believe is the most important movement of our generation (decarbonization). Our day-to-day gets technical, and I enjoy having to dig deep and understand topics and technologies to the point where I become the educator. On top of all of that, we get to host multiple unbelievable trips and events, both internal and with customers, which I believe are second to none. It is also a very flexible career, allowing me to fit in all of my hobbies. I honestly don’t think you can find this anywhere else…

Brian Keenan
Boston, MA
Brian Keenan is a Principal of DXS New England. Brian joined the DXS team in 2016 after a tenure with DXS’s sister company, HTS. Prior to HTS, Brian amassed 6 years of experience working in various corporate marketing and sales roles in the electric utility industry.
A lifelong resident of New Hampshire, Brian is a graduate of Plymouth State University with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. At DXS, Brian is dedicated to advancing his expertise in VRV and ASHP technology to help his clients deliver successful projects. In his current role, Brian primarily works with consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, and building owners throughout New England to provide innovative energy-efficient HVAC solutions.
Get to Know Brian
Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
I have been lucky enough to have a number of mentors throughout my career that has shaped me into who I am today. I would credit most of my core values and work ethic to my family, who have always supported me and instilled a “work hard and be a good person” mentality.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
Summertime: At the lake in the white mountains of NH.
Wintertime: Wherever the snow is deep!
If you had to name one, what is your favorite DXS project and why?
How do you pick just one! There are a handful of projects that hold a special place in my heart, most of which are retrofits of historic buildings in Boston and New Hampshire.
Where do you see the HVAC industry in 10 years?
The goals of decarbonizing our built environments are real…and they are here now. Energy-efficient technologies like VRV and ASHP will continue to grow and dominate. Ventilation and building automation will also play a large role in decarbonization.
What would your personal motto be?
One that has stuck by me since I was a kid: “Treat others how you would want to be treated”, and that’s how I approach almost every situation. Thanks, Mom.
How do your colleagues describe you?
I believe they would describe me as approachable, positive, hard-working, and honest.
Why do you enjoy working at DXS?
Easy: the people and the culture. We have a young, talented, and dynamic team at DXS-NE, which makes going to work very enjoyably. Most of us prefer to be in the office instead of working remotely due to the great comradery. The culture at DXS is like no other place I have worked in my career. It is the embodiment of “work hard, play hard”.
Our People
This is our team, working to keep your built environment conscious and comfortable.